22.09.2012 в 03:29
Пишет [J]королевская задница Риз[/J]:lol
Arizona: you're my wife so shup the fuck up and GO TO THE KITCHEN
don't be such a sour panda :P
Шевчук: and you are my husband, so go buy us the house! or i'll bite your neck. by my teeth :Р
Arizona: thanks God you haven't Camaro, cause i know you want to do this
URL записиArizona: you're my wife so shup the fuck up and GO TO THE KITCHEN
don't be such a sour panda :P
Шевчук: and you are my husband, so go buy us the house! or i'll bite your neck. by my teeth :Р
Arizona: thanks God you haven't Camaro, cause i know you want to do this